- This article only applies to those who have a subscription for our Microsoft Exchange hosting.
- This article does not apply to shared hosting email accounts, reseller accounts, or VPS
- Our standard webmail at will not work for Exchange hosting. See below for the correct webmail address.
Exchange / Outlook Webmail
You can login to Outlook web access here:
Server Connection Details
To connect to your Exchange server with the Outlook app on any device (Mac, Windows, iPhone, Android, etc), or using Exchange-compatible apps like Apple Mail, you will need to choose to add a new account, then enter these details:
- Username or Account Name: the email address
- Password: the email account password
You will be asked to accept various connections and security settings. Please accept them.
You may not be asked for anything else, however if you are, here's some common ones and how to fill them out:
- DOMAIN\username: usually blank, but if that fails, try entering your email address
- Domain: blank
- Username: if it demands a value, enter your email address
- Server Type: Exchange (or ActiveSync)
- Server: leave it blank. If the connection fails or it demands a server value, enter
If you're not sure how to add a new account to your mail app, see Microsoft's guides:
- iPhone or iPad guide is here.
- Android guide is here. (Tips: the domain field should be left blank. The server field value to use is above)
- Windows guide is here.
- Mac guide is here.
If this process fails, please ensure that your DNS is configured correctly for Exchange mail hosting. The specific record that makes it easy for devices to add Exchange accounts is the SRV record.
Connection Details for Other Mail Apps
Mail apps that do not support Exchange connection types, such as Thunderbird, will need to connect via standardized protocols: IMAP (or POP) and SMTP. The connection details for these protocols are listed below. It is strongly recommended to use a mail app that directly supports an Exchange type server, rather than IMAP or POP, because full Exchange compatibility (as found in the Outlook app) provides you with additional features like push mail, access to shared email accounts, group accounts, and more. All of these features are also available in the webmail service linked at the top of this guide.
Please note: it's important not to try any other variations than you see below. Different ports and protocols will not work.
IMAP Details (Incoming Mail)
- Protocol: IMAP
- Server Name:
- Username or Account Name: your email address
- Password: the email account password
- Port: 993
- SSL/TLS: Enabled (any setting that is not disabled should work)
- Authentication: password
SMTP Connection Details (Outgoing Mail)
- Server Name:
- Username or Account Name: your email address
- Password: the email account password
- Port: 587
- Authentication: password
POP Connection Details (Incoming Mail - Alternative, Not Recommended)
We don't recommend using POP to connect to your Exchange server, however if you have a particular need to do so, the details are as follows.
- Protocol: POP or POP3
- Server Name:
- Username or Account Name: your email address
- Password: the email account password
- Port: 995
- SSL/TLS: Enabled (any setting that is not disabled should work)
- Authentication: password
Android Outlook app update on Oct 16 2024
Please note: Microsoft updated the Android Outlook app on Oct 16 2024 and it has kicked many people out of their Exchange access. This is a Microsoft issue - please report it repeatedly to them so they understand that it's a problem and fix it for future updates, or at bare minimum prevent it from occurring again. However we have a workaround:
Remove all mobile devices from the "Mobile Devices" area in Outlook Web Access. Here's how:
- Login to Outlook Web Access (URL at the top of this article)
- Choose Settings (Cog icon in upper right corner) > Options
- Choose General > Mobile Devices
- Remove all devices in the list
- Reboot your phone
- If the account wasn't removed from Outlook, please remove it and re-add it using the connection settings above
This should ensure your Outlook app on Android is capable of reconnecting to your Exchange account and syncing messages successfully.