
Can my listeners request songs? Yes! As of Centova version 3, a widget for your website is included which allows your website... Ensuring track name metadata displays properly on your stream while using StationPlaylist Studio To ensure your metadata is working properly, please complete the following steps: Visit the... How do I add media so I can set up AutoDJ with CentovaCast? This knowledgebase article has been moved to our getting started guides found... How do I get cover artwork to appear on my Stream Start page? Cover Art shows as a question mark (?) on the Stream Start page when the artwork is not available... How do I insert ads into my stream? This can be done with AutoDJ in CentovaCast. If you haven't done so already, first learn how to... How do I log in to Centova Cast To log in to Centova Cast, our radio stream management software, complete the following steps:... How do I put my stream on my website so my visitors can tune in? There are two different methods of accomplishing this. You can use tune-in links that allow your... How do my DJs perform live streams? Traditionally there is only one 'source' password for live streaming to your Shoutcast or Icecast... I am unable to connect with FTP to upload my music Please ensure that you're using the correct login details and the default FTP port - 21 - when... I cannot connect with an 'invalid password' error in the Shoutcast log while using Music Player Daemon Check your MPD config file for the following section in the config: audio_output{ type "shout"... I changed my AutoDJ encoder type to MP3 and now my stream is down The Shoutcast v2 transcoder, sc_trans2 requires that your stream constantly be transcoded into a... I changed my password in CentovaCast but now cannot connect to stream There are two passwords that you can configure in CentovaCast: your Source password as well as... I loaded an introduction file, but it doesn't play when I connect to the stream Please make sure you've restarted the stream to allow the intro file to be loaded. To do this,... I've embedded the FFMP3 flash player on my website, but my stream won't play or I get a security error If you get a security error or your stream won't play after embedding FFMP3 on your website,... I've set up AutoDJ, but my source refuses to connect after restarting the stream Problem Description If you've already enabled AutoDJ and configured your default rotation... Logging into my Shoutcast Administration panel fails to authenticate When logging in to Centova, you can best access it through our Client Centre at... My flash player stutters when playing the stream NOTE: Most flash players will not play a stream without stuttering if you have an intro file. If... My radio station is not showing up in the public directory Here's what to do when your station does not show up in the directory. Ensure you've filled out... My server is online and my source (live or AutoDJ) is connected, but nobody can tune in! Problem DescriptionYour server has been started successfully and your source audio stream is... The Current Listeners page in Centova isn't actually showing the current listeners! Sometimes the Shoutcast server will incorrectly present the information about current users to... The Update Media Library doesn't actually update the library Pressing the Update Media Library button results in the following: The media library is not... The current song info will not show on my website despite having inserted the requisite code Make sure that you have made use of both parts of the code snippets presented by Centova Cast for... Unable to connect to server with SAM Broadcaster If you've entered all server details exactly as shown in your Client Centre account, but you're... What is my SHOUTcast source URL to put into my embedded player? Your source URL is made up of the IP address (or hostname) and port of your stream and looks like... When I play my audio files with AutoDJ, all I hear is constant popping and skipping distortion and no music! This will occur if your audio file is corrupt or becomes corrupt during transfer. Corrupt Source... Why do I have a listener limit when my plan says unlimited? We impose a listener limit due to the way the Shoutcast server allocates memory. As the listener... Why does my stream disconnect or lag periodically? While this can be different for everyone, the most common reasons are: 1. Internal Networking...
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