How to disable mail for a domain Print

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Problem Description

  • You host a website but not the mail services for a domain
  • Outgoing emails from your website or from other email accounts hosted on the same server go missing or bounces occur

Problem Resolution

When you don't host the email service for a domain locally in Plesk, you must inform Plesk of this to avoid issues with some messages not arriving at their destination. Here's how to disable mail for a domain in Plesk:

  1. Login to Plesk
  2. Choose "Mail"
  3. Click the "Mail Settings" tab
  4. Check the box beside the domain for which you wish to disable mail, then click the "Activate/Deactivate Services" button.
  5. You will be prompted with a dialog box to specify which services to enable/disable. Under "Mail Service" change the dropdown menu to "Disabled for incoming mail". You should also disable DKIM Spam Protection here.
The mail service is now disabled for the domain!
TIP: If you also don't host the DNS for this domain in Plesk (ie: the name servers do not match those for the server/hosting plan), you should disable DNS for the domain as well. This is done under DNS Settings in Plesk.
How do disable mail for a domain from command line (for those with a VPS):

If you have root access to your server, you may run the command below to disable mail. Replace [domain] with the actual domain for which you wish to disable mail.

plesk bin domain -u [domain] -mail_service false

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